Are you sure you know?
As an experienced diver or not, it is important to know your personal dive equipment and rental equipment. Today’s question is from Monty and he asks the public which tank will empty faster? The air tank on the right has 3000psi a Cressi Sub first stage and a high pressure hose attached but has been cut in half. The nitrox tank on the left is 3000psi Dive rite first stage and a low pressure hose attached and is also cut in half.

Imagine diving along enjoying the wonders of the underwater world and BOOM and a Channel Clinging Crab climbs aboard your first stage and cuts one of your L.P hoses. How long do you have?
Same situation by the deadly human hating crab, but this time he goes for your only H.P line, how long do you think it is before all the air is out considering the tank is full?
Please feel free to leave a comment, I will show a video later in the week on the correct answer