*TDI Extended Range / PADI Tec 50


Progressing your technical diving expertise, the Extended Range / Tec 50 course represents the subsequent stride in your journey. Within this program, you’ll transition to employing two decompression gases and venture to a maximum depth of 55m / 180ft under TDI guidelines, and 50m / 165ft following PADI protocols. The classroom evaluation will challenge you with advanced dive planning, in-depth decompression theory, and comprehensive emergency procedures.

Over a span of four days, encompassing two days of training and two dedicated decompression dives, the course unfolds. The final deco dives offer a selection of exceptional sites, including the renowned Josie J wreck, resting at depths of 180ft/55m to 200ft/61m, and the iconic Hole in the Wall crack dive, which delves to depths of 333+ ft/100m and beyond.

Before you start you may choose TDI or PADI for certification.

All technical courses require a Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months & require the student to have DAN insurance or equivalent.

PADI Tec 50 Training

TDI Extended Range / TEC 50 Course Details

TDI Extended Range Prereqs:

  • 18 years old
  • Adv. Nitrox or equivalent
  • 100 logged dives, 25 deeper then 30m/100ft

PADI Tec 50 Prereqs:

  • 18 years old
  • Tec 45 or equivalent
  • Min. of 100 logged dives, 20 on Nitrox, 15 deeper then 30m/100ft